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Managing Your Emotions at Work

Gootlee Soft Skills

In the workplace, we often encounter situations that stir up various feelings. Knowing when and how to express emotions and when to keep them in check is crucial. While completely suppressing emotions might not always be feasible, understanding what sets off emotional reactions and learning how to respond appropriately is within our grasp. “Managing Your Emotions at Work” equips you with the tools necessary to recognize your emotional triggers, regulate your emotional and physical reactions, and navigate others’ emotions. Consequently, you’ll enhance communication with supervisors and colleagues, redirect negative emotions into productive pursuits, and elevate your overall emotional intelligence.

Learning Objectives

  • Identify the messages conveyed by emotions in the workplace.
  • Understand the cycle of triggers, perceptions, and responses.
  • Change our perspective to prevent emotional outbursts.
  • Substitute emotional reactions with constructive interactions.
  • Recover from our own or others’ emotional outbursts effectively.
  • Implement strategies for long-term management of emotions.