Coming Soon

Managing Remote Teams For Success

Gootlee Soft Skills

Today, workforces are no longer confined to one location. With teams scattered across the globe, the potential advantages are vast. However, effectively managing remote teams goes beyond mere technological tools. It entails placing the right individuals in suitable roles with the necessary skills and resources. Additionally, it necessitates managers who can communicate effectively, foster a sense of community, promote teamwork, and establish relationships built on trust. Prepare your remote workforce for success through a comprehensive half-day program featuring self-assessment exercises, real-world scenarios, practical activities, and more.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the benefits and challenges of remote work for employees, managers, and organizations.
  • Recognize the importance of effective management for remote employees.
  • Identify essential factors and tools for remote employees to be productive.
  • Appreciate the role of trust and communication in fostering successful remote relationships.
  • Implement strategies to support remote employees and address common managerial challenges.
  • Apply best practices for successful management of remote teams.