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Mastering Emotional Intelligence for Success

Gootlee Soft Skills

Success isn’t just about technical skills; it’s also about mastering emotional intelligence. This training, Mastering Emotional Intelligence, delves into the vital soft skill of emotional intelligence. It teaches you to recognize your emotional triggers, handle stressors, and forge strong connections with colleagues. Through focusing on intrapersonal skills, interpersonal skills, adaptability, and resilience, you’ll learn practical strategies to excel in any work environment.

Learning Objectives

  • Recognize how thoughts and feelings are linked to manage emotions effectively.
  • Enhance self-control by identifying physical signs when emotions are taking over.
  • Foster positive workplace relationships using emotional intelligence.
  • Utilize assertive communication to express needs and feelings appropriately.
  • Respond promptly and positively to changing situations.
  • Remain composed in stressful scenarios.
  • Bounce back from setbacks using emotional intelligence.
  • Cultivate a more optimistic mindset.